
Do you accept payments?
SOS accepts cash, check, or debit/credit card, as well as Venmo payments. Organizing sessions generally range from 2-6 hour increments and most clients choose to pay at the end of each session.  Some clients accumulate hours and pay once per week, or once per month.  Terms may be negotiated with SOS at the time of the consultation.

Do you charge by the job or by the hour?
SOS charges an hourly rate. Upon completion of each session, SOS leaves a “to do” list with the client so they can continue to work on the project between sessions. This keeps the cost for clients to a minimum.

Training and Workshops

How do I continue to stay on track after coming to a workshop presentation?
Jenn leaves information with each listener highlighting key principles of organization.  In addition, time is allotted for a question and answer period in which SOS provides answers, information, and resources to listeners in order to serve as a guide to the next step of their process.  Beyond that, you may choose to hire SOS to personally consult and work with you on a specific project.

Where can I sign up for a class or workshop?
Jennifer Robb peridocally teaches Continuing Education classes at the Coralville location of Kirkwood Community College. Additionally, monthly training sessions, covering a variety of organizing topics are offered by zoom. If you would like Jennifer to present a training session or workshop to you and a group of your peers, you can contact SOS directly to schedule.  Any other upcoming workshops or training sessions that are open to the public will be listed on SOS’s Calendar of events, on Facebook and on other social media.

Organizing Materials

Does SOS provide the materials (storage containers, filing supplies, shelving, etc.) that are needed for a project?
Clients may order or buy organizing products themselves, or they may choose to have SOS purchase items for use on a project, which they would then reimburse SOS for upon project completion.


Does the Professional Organizer do all of the work?
It depends.  Each client and situation is different, so it is the client’s decision how much of the physical act of organizing the PO will do and how much the client wants do on his/her own based on the suggestions and guidance of the Organizer.

What is a Professional Organizer?
A Professional Organizer is a person who provides consulting services and hands-on assistance to clients to improve their current systems of organization.  Each Organizer has different specialties, so ask questions to find the Organizing Professional to best serve your needs.

Will the project be completed in one session?
That depends on the size of the project, but generally speaking the answer is no.  Most sessions range from 2-6 hours and can take several days to weeks, depending on the size of the project.

Terms of Service

An SOS Consultation/Evaluation begins with Jenn listening to your goals and priorities and offering feedback and availabilty. When choosing to proceed with SOS, organizing sessions are scheduled, and may occur in a one day session, or a group of sessions.

Pricing is based on an hourly rate, therefore, it is up to the client how many hours are spent receiving hands-on assistance. “To Do” lists are left after each session, offering guidance and support to clients in between sessions. Telephone consultations, and e-mail questions are welcomed between meeting. Maintenance can be set up weekly, monthly, or seasonally. Travel expenses may be incurred if the distance to the job exceeds 30 miles.